
Cine ma poate ajuta cu o tema scurta?
Luni am inspectie la engleza si tema noastra e sa  scriem o scuza fiindca nu ne-am facut tema.
 nu trebuie neaparat sa fie reale .(dar nu ceva gen m-au rapit extraterestrii, mi-a mancat-o cainele sau am uitat-o acasa) 3 randuri

Răspuns :

teacher im soo sorry i could't do my homework becouse i was gone all the week at my relatives  and i arrived home at 20:00 and i had to do a lot of things please excuse me this time i will do the homework two times

Doamna profesoara va rog sa ma scuzati dar nu mi.am putut face tema am fost tot weekend-ul plecat in cantonament cu echipa mea de handballbsi am ajuns acasa luni dimineata/dupa-amiza.

Miss teacher will exuse me but i could do my homework . All weekend i was left in camp with my team handball and i got home Monday morning/ afternoon.