
Traduceti va rog:
Incep cu un citat care l-am vazut pe facebook:Nu cheltui banii pe haine, cheltuei pe calatorii. Cee importanta are citi ani au ghetele tale daca te plimbi cu ele prin Paris.
Si sunt deacord cu autorul. Noi pierdem timp si bani pe hainele noastre.
Daca ceva nu place cuiva noi schimbam asta la noi. Oricind sunt oameni care nu v-or fi multumiti.
Schimbati mediul di jurul vostru,nu lasati nicaieri radacini pina nu gasiti locul vostru, calatoriti, vedeti lumea si fiti fericiti.


Răspuns :

I`m beginning with a quote I`ve seen on facebook: Don`t spend your money on clothes, spend it on travels. It is not important how old your shoes are if you wear them when wandering through Paris.
And I agree with the author. We are wasting time and money on our clothes. If someone doesn`t like something on us, we are changing it right away. There always will be people who are never pleased. 
Change your surroundings, don`t take roots anywhere until you find your place, travel, see the world and be happy!