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Once Upan a Time.....
Once upon a time,there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.
The hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow.
All the animals were tired of listening+the hare. Then,one day the tortoise surprised them all: 'Let's have tomorrow then!'
The next day,when they started the race, the hare jumped forward. Very soon,he was far ahead of the tortoise.
It was a very sunny day and the hare very hot.‘There's a tree.I can rest under it!'
A few houras later,the tortoise passed the sleeping hare...
Suddenly,the hare opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the tortoise at the Finish line!
The tortoise was the winner! The hare learned his lesson that day:'Keep on going and don't stop until you croos the Finish line!

Răspuns :

A fost oadat ca niciodata ...
A fost odata ca niciodata , un iepure foarte rapid si o testoasa foarte lenta.
Iepurele radea tot timpul de testoata deoarece era foarte lenta .
Toate animalele se saturasera sa-l asculte pe iepure . Atunci , intr-o zi testoasa i-a surprins pe toti : " Hai sa ne intreme maine atunci "
Ziua urmatoare , cand ei au inceput cursa , iepurele a sarit in fata . Foarte curand , el era cu mult in fata testoasei.  Era o si foarte insorita , iar iepurele era infierbantat. " Uite un copac acolo . M apot odihni." Cateva ore mai tarziu tesoata a trecut pe langa iepurele care dormea. Dintr-o data , iepurele a deschis ochii si s-a uitat in jur , El a vazut testoata la linia de sosire.. Testoasa a fost castigatorul . Iepurele si-a invata letia pe ziua aceea. " Continua sa mergi si nu te opri pana nu ai trecut linia de sosire '