
Traduceti textul din romina in engleza

Televizorul este cea si importanta sursa de informare din zilele noastre.Acesta joac un rol primordial in viata omului.Televizorul este un mijloc de informare rapid,comod si sigur .De la televizor afli cele mai recente stiri, vizionezi cele mai noi seriale si cele mai captivante filme .Televizorul constituie o sursa majora de informare ,care are un rol important in viata noastra .Avind televizor, poti afla multe lucruri noi si utile . De exemplu afli cum si unde poti sa-ti petreci ziua ,cum va fi timpul afara,ce schimbari sau mai produs in tara,ce expozitii se organizeaza,ce spectacole si concerte se preconizeaza.Cea mai mare parte din populatie foloseste ca sursa de informare televizorul.Privind televizorul si informindu-ne ne dezvoltam multilateral.De la televizor poti sa inveti o limba noua uitindu-te la emisiuni si filme in aceasta limba si multe altele.În concluzie,pot spune că televizorul va rămâne cea mai importanat si vasta sursa de informare.

Răspuns :

1. Tv is the main source of information today.
2. This play a vital role in human life.
3. Tv is a means of fast information, convenient and safe.
4. From TV you learn lates news,watch the newest and most exciting series and movies.
5. TV is a major source of information, with plays an important role in our lives.
6. If you have TV, you can learn many new things useful.
7. For a example you can find out how and where to spend to day, it will be time off,wath changes or product in the country that organizes exhibitions,shows and concerts witch are expected.
8. The majority of population used as source of information TV!
9. On TV and informing us develop our multilateral.
10. From the TV you can learn a new language by looking at shows and movies in that languages and more.
11. In conclusion, I can say that the TV will remain the most important and cast source of information!

Gata,sper ca ti-am fost de folos. :D 

Today Television is the main source of information. It plays a primordial role in people's life. TV is a rapid,convenient and sure source of information. Through TV you're informed about the latest news, watch the newest serials, and the most captivating movies. TV is a major source of information witch has an important role in our lives. With having a TV,you can find out about more new and useful things. You can find out for example,where could you spend your day, how the weather will be, what changes had happened in the country, what kind of exhibits are taking place, what kind of plays or concerts will be organized. Most of the population use TV as a source of information. Watching TV and getting informed, we are developping on a multilateral level. You can learn a foreign language from TV,by watching shows and movies in that particular language, and many other things. In conclusion I can say that TV remains the most important and vast source of information.