
Trduceti in engleza propozitiile:
Eu mananc bomboane seara.
Jocul meu este grozav.
In clasa este liniste.
Marius este mandru de notele lui (la invatamant)
Ea are o suta de obiecte nefolositoare.
Ei chiar au mancat la pranz.
Copilului sarac ii place sa se joace tenis.
Eu merg cu mandrie prin parc.
Tatal meu conduce o institutie educationala.
Blocul meu este imens.

Răspuns :

I eat candy in the evening. My game is great. There is silence in the classroom. Marius is proud of his grades. She has hundreds of useless stuff. They really did eat lunch. The poor boy likes to play tennis. I'm walking head high in the park. My father is running an educational institution. My block of flats is huge(humongous).