
Care sunt cuvintele care indica ca este past continuous in propozitii. Va rog ajutatima

Răspuns :

cuvintul care arata ca este past continous este was were.exemplu luam cuvintul playing:
I was playing.
He was playing.
She was playing.
You were playing.
We were playing.
They  were playing.

sper ca team ajutat
bafta :)

Cuvintele care ne ajuta sa recunoastem trecutul continuu sunt: verbul to be la trecut (formele WAS la pers I sg si III sg, WERE la pers. II sg, I pl, II pl, III pl) dupa care urmeaza participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat (verbul terminat in -ing).

In general, acest timp e folosit la concordanta timpurilor, pentru a arata ca o actiune era in desfasurare in timp ce s-a intamplat si alta actiune (relatia de simultaneitate).

I was reading when he came in.
He was wearing a blue shirt when I saw him on the train.
We were playing football when his mother called him.