
Urgent.       Traduceti
This is a good place.I'II get some great shots here.
I didn't realise you were so keen on photography.
Yes, I love it .I'd like to be a sports phoyographer,eventually.
Really? Don't you have to be quite thought to do that sort of job?
No,I don't think so .If you're a good photographer, that's all that matters. 
I suppose you're right.
If you stand over there ,I'II get the Forth Bridge in the  background as well.
How about this or this ?
Oh stop fooling around, Matt!I won't get a good shot unless you keep still.
I'II step back a bit.
Don't walk back any further or you'II fall in the water!
You wish!
Hang on,let me take a few more.I want to finish this film.
 When can I see the ones of me ?
You're so vain!I'II show you when they're ready.

Răspuns :

Acesta este un bun loc.O sa fac niste poze minunate aici.
Nu am realizat ca erai atat de pasionat de fotografie.
Da,iubesc asta.Mi-ar placea sa fie un fotograf de sporturi,eventual.
Serios?Nu trebuie sa te gandesti putin pentru a face acest tip de job?
Nu,nu cred asta.Daca esti un bun fotograf,asta este tot ceea ce conteaza.
Sper ca ai dreptate.
Daca stai exact aici o sa captez podul de mai departe in imagine,de asemenea.
Ce parere ai despre asta sau asta?
Oh,nu te mai prosti,Matt!Nu o sa captez o poza buna decat daca stai nemiscat.
O merg mai in spate.
Nu merge mai departe in spate sau vei cadea in apa!
Speri tu!/Continua,lasa-ma sa mai fac cateva,vreau sa umplu memoria./Atunci pot sa le vad pe cele cu mine?/Esti atat de increzut!Ti le voi arata pe toate cand vor fi gata.

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