
va rog frumos ini traduceti si mie acest dialog

hey! look out !
that's ok.
i like your rollerblades. they're great.
thanks.are you american?
no,i'm from canada.i'm french-canadian.
do you speak french?
yeah,i speak french and english.
where are from in canada?
montreal.it's in the east of canada
are you all canadian?
no, we aren't.we're from brighton.
i live in brighton,too.
are you student?
no,i'min the music business.i'm in a band.
(bleep!)that's my mobile phone. i must go. see you!
hey! what's your name?
Chilli.Chilli jackson.

Răspuns :

Hey!Ai grija!
Nu-i nimic
Imi plac rolele tale ! sunt foarte bune
Multumesc.Esti american?
Nu,sunt din Canada.Sunt franco-canadian
Vorbesti franceza?
Da.Vorbesc engleza si franceza.
Din ce oras esti mai exact?
Din Montreal.E in estul Canadei
Sunteti toti canadieni?
Nu,nu suntem.Suntem din Brighton
Esti student?
Nu.Sunt in industria muzicii.Sunt intr-o trupa
(Beep!)Asta e telefonul meu.Trebuie sa plec.Ne mai vedem!
Hey!cum te cheama?
Chilli.Chilli Jackson