
Traduceti din romana in engleza:
Cine incearca chiftelele sa vada daca au nevoie de mai mult usturoi.
In ce luna ninge cel mai mult in tara ta?(raspundeti in engleza)
Nansy uda plantele in fiecare zi.Astazi le uda mama ei.
Cu cine danseaza Sam?Este verisoara lui nu-i asaa?

Răspuns :

patties who tried to dee if they ned more garlic.
in which month most snow in your  country?
Nansy water the plants every day. Today l squirt her mother.
Who dances Sam? His cousin is not it?

Who try the meatballs to see if they need more garlic.
In what month snow the most in your country?
In my country snow the most in December.
Nansy water the plants everyday.Today her mother waters them.
Who dances with Sam?It's his cousin doesn't she?