
Traduceti in limba engleza
11. Ei au ascuns imediat cartile si si-au scos manualele descoala.12. Când te-ai intors de la munte?13. Când ai cumparat acest televizor?14. Ieri mi-am pierdut manusile.15. Batea un vânt puternic când am iesit din casa.16. Unde ti-ai petrecut concediul vara trecuta?17. Ieri m-am sculat devreme, mi-am luat micul dejun si apoiam plecat la scola.18. Acum doua zile am cazut si mi-am rupt piciorul.19. Saptamâna trecuta am fost bolnav si nu am mers la scoala.20. El a dat primul examen saptamâna trecuta.21. Cine a câstigat meciul alaltaieri?22. In timp ce ploua, eu conduceam masina spre Sinaia

Răspuns :

they had hidden the books immediately and got off the school books.
when did you come back from the mountains?
when did you buy this TV?
I lost my gloves yesterday.
a strong wind was blowing when I left the house.
where did you spend your holidays last summer?
I woke up early yesterday, I had my breakfast then I went to school.
I fell down two days ago and I broke my leg.
I was sick last week and I didn't go to school.
he had his first exam last week.
who was winning the game the day before yesterday?
while it was raining I was driving to Sinaia.