
Va ro foarte mult dau 15 puncte sau mai multe cine imi spune exact cum se citeste pot cinta dar nustiu cum se citeste exact vreau Mersi mult anticipat.
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart

Răspuns :

Helău, from dă odăr said
i musănt celd ă tausand taims
Tu tel iu ai-m sori for evrithing dhed aiv dăun
Bat when ai kel iu never sim to be hăum
Helău from dă autside
Et lăst ai ken sei dhed aiv triad
Tu tel iu aim sori for breking tor hărt
Bat it dont mettăr, it clărli dasănt tiăr iu apart