
traduceti din engleza in romana :They called him Fletch and he aven got into the records books."It was a bit of a joke,"Martin says ,but having a fourth member along meant you could always blame something on Fpetch!Despite feeling his predence constantly,Martin never actually saw Fletch.It is unlikely that so many serious explorers werelying.Were their minds effected by the difficult conditions experienced during their travels,or could there be another,more mysterious explanation?

Răspuns :

deci  I se spunea Fletch şi el aven înregistrările a ajuns in carti."un fel de gluma,"Martin zice ,dar având un al patrulea stat împreună ca ai putea oricind vina ceva pe Fpetch!In ciuda. Simtea predence constant,Martin niciodată nu vazut Fletch.Este puţin probabil că atât de multe werelying grave exploratori.Au fost minţile lor efectuate de condiţiile dificile în timpul călătoriilor lor,sau ar fi putut exista un alt,mai misterios explicaţie?