
Traduceti mi si mie acest text va rog : in 1800 london was home to about one million people, fewer than today's rush hour travellers! by 1900, london was the biggest city in the world , whit a population of over six million . as the city grew , new kinds of transport were needed. this project is about the history of bus services in london . the first london omnibus service was introduced by george shillibeer in 1829. the omnisuses were pulled by horses. by 1843 there were 376 licensed omnibuses in london ...

Răspuns :

In 1800 Londra a fost casa a aproximativ un milion de oameni, mai putini decat calatorii din ziua de azi. In 1900, Londra a fost cel mai mare oras din lume, cu o polulatie de peste 6 milioane de locuitori, dar orasul a "crescut", iar noi tipuri de transporturi au fost necesare. Acest proiect este despre istoria serviciilor de autobuz din Londra. Primul serviciu de acest fel a fost introdus de George Shillibeer in 1829. Aceste autobuze erau trase de cai. In 1843, existau 376 astfel de autobuze in Londra.