1.The 'Biosphere' is a man-made ecosystem,an ecologically balanced 'planet in a bottle' with its own miniature rain forest,ocean and desert.
2.The biospherians are the inhabitants of the Biosphere and they are going to grow most of their own food and to live mainly on fruits and vegetables.
3.The participants would take some goats with them and they would be able to make cheese and to have meat sometimes,to recycle their water and to breathe recycled air.
4.The objectives for this project are to understand what it really means to be self-sufficient,to live without outside help.After that, the scientists would be able to solve the environmental problems of our's planet biosphere.
5.Mark wants to take part at the project because he consider it to be a chalenge to have to take care of himself and to work with his hands.I think he would miss his family and friends.
6.I would want to take part of the project because i would breath a fresher air and i would eat healty, only unprocessed meal which would be grown by my own hands.I would learn how to handle by myself with the situations i would have to deal.
I would not want to take part of the project because i would be apart from my family and friends,but there i could make some other new friends,but i would still miss my family and i would be apart from regular society.