
Traduceti textul urmator:
Can you pass me the cornflakes,please,Daniel?
How many elephants can you get in a Volkswagen?
Oh,no!Not another elephant joke!
Go on.Tell us.
Two in the front and two in the back.
I know a better one.Why did the elephant pu on a red T-shirt?
I don't knoe.Why?
Because his green one was in the washing machine.
I think my joke's funnier than yours.
Shut up,you two! I'm trying to do thisquiz.
What quiz?
There's a quiz on the back of this cornflakes packet.
I bet you can't answer this one,Charlie.Which is the longest river in the world:the Nile,the Mississippi or the Amazon?
Everybody knows that.The Nile is the longest river in the world!
Come on,you lot! It's time to take Daniel to the airport.

Răspuns :

Poti sa-mi dai fulgii de porumb, te rog, Daniel?
Cati elefanti intra intr-un Volkswagen?
O, nu! Nu inca un banc cu elefanti!
Continua. Spune-l.
Doi in fata si doi in spate.
Eu stiu unul mai bun. De ce si-a pus elefantul un tricou rosu?
Nu stiu. De ce?
Pentru ca ala verde e la spalat.
Eu cred ca bancurile mele sunt mai amuzante decate ale tale.
Taceti, voi doi! Incerc sa fac chestionarul acesta.
Ce chestionar?
E un chestionar pe spatele pungii de fulgi de porumb.
Pariez ca nu stii sa raspunzi la asta, Charlie. Care e cel mai lung rau din lume: Nilul, Mississippi sau Amazonul?
Toata lumea stie. Nilul e cel mai lung rau din lume.
Vino-ncoale, tipule! E timpul sa il ducem pe Daniel la aeroport.