
Am nevoie de ajutor de la cineva care stie engleza destul de bine ,va rog!
Trebuie sa traduc in engleza fara google translate aceasta compunere:
Am avut cel mai ciudat vis azi noapte...am visat ca eram intr-o excursie la munte cu niste prieteni , eram cazati la o pensiune indepartata de oras. A doua zi aveam un program bine stabilit ,trebuia sa dormim cat mai mult. Eu am adormit foarte repede ,cand m-am trezit toata lumea disparuse si nici telefonul mobil nu il mai gaseam, eram panicata deoarece eram singura la o distanta foarte mare de casa. Din cauza ca eram panicata am lesinat, iar cand m-am trezit , eram acasa , mi-am dat seama ca a fost doar un vis ciudat.
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati!

Răspuns :

I had the strangest dream last night...I dreamed about being on a trip in the mountains with some friends, we were staying at a guest house far away from the town. The next day we had a well planned programme and we had to sleep as much as we could. I fell asleep very quickly and when I woke up nobody was there and I couldn't find my phone. I was panicked because I was alone far away from home. because I was panicked I fainted and when I woke up I was at home and I realised it was just a strange dream.