
Buna!! Maajuta si pe mine cineva urgent cu traducerea acestui text dar nu cu google tranlate !!

Legenda spune ca, pe cand in muntii nostril traiau uriasi, o femeie batrana cu numele Dochia avea o fiica vitrega.Intr-o iarna cumplita,Dochia i-a dat fetei sale, pe care nu o prea avea la inima, o haina foarte murdara cerandu-I sa o spele la rau pana devine alba ca zapada.Pe cat fata o spala ea mai tare, pe atat devenea haina mai neagra!Atunci a aparut un barbat si a intrebat-o ce face.Ea a povestit ce I se intampla.Tanarul avea o putere magica si i-a oferit fetei o floare rosie si alba, dupa care a indemnat-o sa mai spele inca odata vesmantul apoi sa se intoarca acasa.Panza a devenit alba ca neaua.Batranei Dochia nu i-a venit sa isi creada ochilor.Cand a vazut floarea din parul fetei, a intrebat-o :De unde o ai?Este inca iarana !Batrana crezu ca primavera a revenit si a plecat cu turma pe munte.Pe parcursul calatoriei sale, si-a scos rand pe rand cele douasprezece cojoace pe care le purta, pana cand nu a ramas nici unul.Dar vremea s-a schimbat.Pe cat de frumos se facuse la inceputul zilei, pe atat de urat se facuse acum.Ningea si totul incepuse sa inghete.Cand a ajuns in varf, I s-a aratat tanarul numit Martisor care i-a spus:Vezi cat de rau este sa stai in frig si umezeala, tu cea care ti-ai obligat fiica sa spele iarna hainele la rau?Apoi a disparut.Fara alte vesminte cu care sa se incalzeasca, Dochia a inghetat imreuna cu oile sale, transformandu-se, conform legendei, in stana de piatra.Rocile se pot observa si astazi pe muntele Ceahlau si sunt marturie vie a acestui mit romanesc .

Răspuns :

The legend says that, when in our montains lived giants, an old lady with the name Dochia had a step-daughter.In a terrible winter, Dochia gave to her daughter, which she didn't have her to her heart, a very dirty cloth asking her to clean it to the river until it became white as the snow. As the girl cleaned it more, the more the cloth became black! Then appeared a manand asked her what is she doing. She told him what is happening to her. The young man had a magic power and offered to the girl a white and red flower, and then ordered her to clean again the garment then to get back home. The canvas became white as snow. The old Dochia didn't believe her eyes. When she saw the flower from the girl's hair, she asked her: Where do you have it? It's still winter! The old woman thought that spring returned and went with the flock on the mountain. During her trip, she took off one by one the twelve coats she wore, until she remain with no one. But the weather changed. On how nice it made at the start of the day, as ugly it made now. It was snowing and everything started to froze. When she arrived on the top, the young man Martisor showed in front of her and said: See how bad is it to stay in cold and moisture? Then he disappeared. Without any other garments to warm her up, Dichia froze with her sheep, shifting, according to the legend, in stone. The stones can be observed and today on the Ceahlau montain and are the evidence to this romanian myth.