
Formulati prop. cu : thin(slab),nice(frumos),ugly(urat),old(batran),young(tanar),old(vechi),new(nou),expensive(scump),cheap(ieftin),cold(rece),warm(cald)

Răspuns :

My sister is very thin. (sora mea e foarte slaba) I bought him a nice gift. (I-am luat un cadou frumos) I read "The ugly duckling". (Am citit "Ratusca cea urata") My grandpa is very old. (Bunicul e foarte batran) A young man helped my grandma cross the street. (Un barbat tanar a ajutat-o pe bunica sa treaca strada) I have an old computer. (Am un calculator vechi) Her parents got her an expensive present. (Parintii i-au luat un cadou scump) I bought this T-shirt because it was very cheap. (Am cumparat tricoul pt ca era foarte ieftin) I wish it was cold outside. (As vrea sa fie frig afara) It's quite warm today. (E destul de cald azi)