
b) True or False?
1. The stone blocks of the Egyptian temples could be carried by men .
2. The Egyptians were the first to make glass and bricks.
3. The Egiptians used stone tools in building .
4. Abacus is a word derived from Latin.
5. The symbol for zero was not known by the ancients.
6. The counting system was not invented in Europe.
7. Emperor Augustus decided that the year should start on the 1 st January.
8. A solar year and a sideral year are one and the same thing.
9. A Roman astronomer found the solution of the leap year.
10. The word paperis is of Egyption origin.
11. The Chinese invented printing the same time with paper.
12. Gunpowder was used before modern times.

Răspuns :

12.A 11.A   3.A  1.A ,Insa restul nusunt sigur