
Complete the story by putting a preposition into the gaps if one is.
necesary,For some gaps no prepositions is required.
When Jack arrived at the theatre ,Alice was waiting____________________________him."Where have you been" ? she asked ________________him".We can talk___________the later", said Jack.."I tried to phine _________you to say that I was going to be late, but you were out.Lt"s go into the concert."
Ok:said Alice,"but you have to pay___________the tickest!The man should always pay"I don"t agrre__________________you,said Jack."but I will pay if I can.It just depends_______________________how much they cost.I haven"t brought much money with me.

Răspuns :

primul spatiu: for
al doilea spatiu: nimic
al treilea spatiu: about
al patrule spatiu: nimic
al cincilea spatiu: for
al saselea spatiu: with
al saptelea spatiu: on
1. for
7. of
Unde am lasat spatiu,nu era nimic. Sunt numerotate in ordinea in care sunt acolo