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In ultimul timp, multe obiceiuri de nunta au fost imprumutate de la straini.
Traditile de nunta in zona Moldovei incep de miercurea cand se cerne faina pentru cozonaci si paine. Tinerii se inteleg din timp pentu a face nunta. Baiatul insotit de catre parinti merge la casa fetei pentru a discuta despre casatoria lor.

Ca si in celelalte zone ale tarii si in Moldova se face chemarea la nunta. Acesta era facuta in trecut de catre vornic dar in prezent mirele, nasul si tatal mirelui se ocupa de acest lucru.

Mai demult, in zona Moldovei cei mai instariti miri isi alegeau mai multi nasi. Drumul spre biserica se parcurge de catre miri si nuntasi pe jos. Inaintea alaiului este purtat de catre un flacau bradul de nunta. Pe drum in fata alaiului se afla mirele insotit de nasul acestuia. In spatele lor se afla mireasa insotita de catre nasa iar in urma vornicii, lautarii, socrii si nuntasii. Trecatorilor li se ofera cate un pahar de bautura in cinstea mirilor.

La biserica, mireasa si mirele sunt asteptati de preotul satului. Intrarea lor in Sfantul Lacas se face in aceeasi ordine in care au venit pe drum. Mirii trebuie sa duca cu ei doi colaci care vor fi lasati in biserica, sub acestia ei trebuie sa aseze un servet. Acestia mai trebuie sa aduca cu ei o sticla de vin pentru ceremonia religioasa, un covoras care se va asterne la picioarele lor si un prosop cu care vor fi legati la mana in timpul ceremoniei religioase. Verighetele, cruciulitele si o icoana nu trebuie sa lipseasca din lucrurile pe care mirii trebuie sa le aiba cu ei la ceremonie.

La intrarea in restaurantul unde are loc petrecerea de nunta, se aseaza o galeata cu apa pe o masa in care nuntasii isi inmoaie mainile pentru purificare. Dupa aceea, mireasa cu busuiocul inmuiat in apa stropeste nuntasii. Traditia spune ca fetele care vor fi stropite cu apa isi vor gasi perechea mai repede. Mirii vor fi serviti de catre parinti cu cate o lingurita de miere pentru a avea parte de o viata prospera. La masa, tinerii proaspat casatoriti vor trebui sa rupa colacul in doua si il imparta celor prezenti.

Petrecerea este tinuta toata noaptea pana spre dimineata. Spre terminarea mesei, nasa va scoate voalul miresei si il va inlocui cu o naframa. Acest obicei simbolizeaza trecerea miresei de la fata la femeie maritata. Voalul va fi dat unei alte fete necasatorite, ceea ce inseamna ca aceasta va fi urmatoarea mireasa. Celelalte fete vor juca o hora de adio pentru mireasa.

Traditiile si obiceiurile de nunta ofera un farmec aparte acestui eveniment. Ele creeaza o atmosfera speciala si sunt generatoare de buna-dispozitie.

Răspuns :

Lately, many wedding customs were borrowed from foreigners.
Wedding Tradition in Moldavia starts Wednesday when sift flour for cakes and bread. Young people understand the long time to make the wedding. The boy accompanied by parents go to the girl's home to discuss their marriage.

As in other areas of the country and in Moldova is calling the wedding. This was done in the past by the governor but now the groom, groom's father nose and deal with this.

Earlier, in Moldavia most wealthy grooms choosing a more godparents. Road to the church by the bride and groom and wedding guests through walking. Before the procession is held by a lad wedding tree. On the road in front of the procession was the groom accompanied by his nose. Behind them was the bride accompanied by nasa and after vornicii, fiddlers, laws and wedding guests. Bystanders they receive a drink in honor of the couple.

At the church, the bride and groom are expected by the village priest. Their entry into the holy place is in the same order in which they came on the road. Grooms have to go with her two coils that will be left in the church, as they they have to sit a napkin. They need to bring with them a bottle of wine for religious ceremony, a rug that is laid at their feet and a towel to be bound hand during the religious ceremony. Wedding rings, the crosses and icons should not miss the things that the couple must have with them at the ceremony.

On entering the restaurant where the wedding party takes place, place a bucket of water on a table where wedding guests dip their hands for purification. Afterwards, the bride with wedding guests basil soaked in water squirting. Tradition says that the girls will be sprayed with water soon will find their pair. Grooms will be served by parents with a teaspoon of honey to get a prosperous life. At the table, young newlyweds will have to break in two and divides hoop those present.

The party is held up all night to morning. Towards the end of the meal, NASA will remove veil and replace it with a kerchief. This custom symbolizes the transition from girl to woman bride married. The veil will be given another unmarried girls, which means that it will be the next bride. The other girls will play a farewell dance for the bride.

Wedding Traditions offers charm of this event. They create a special atmosphere and generate good mood.