
The verb to keep has many meanings. Can you guess its meanings from the following sentences? Consult a dictionary, if necessary. Ajutatima va rog.

1. Keep in mind that you should keep it a secret , besides, I'll keep an eye on you to keep you from telling it either to your sister or friends.
2. Tell her keep her remarks to herself and I'll try my best to keep smiling as if nothing had kept me from keeping my diary.
3. He assured us that he would keep his promise to keep that ring until the following Friday when we kept our wedding anniversary.
4. Keep fit in order to be able to keep the goals and if you keep going like that we shall keep you in this position.
5. It is quite difficult for a woman to keep her family and, more that that, to keep a house and a shop, and manage to keep pace with everything that is new.

Răspuns :

1. to remember and think about someone or something.
 to keep secret
to make good on a promise; to fulfill one's promise.
 exercises designed to promote physical fitness if performed regularly
 to stay even