
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with make.
Expression: make an effort - try
make a fuss- complain, show unnecessary excitement
make a mistake - do something wrong
make a noise - make a meaningless, usually unwanted, sound
make do - manage with something even though it may not be exactly what is wanted
make it - arrive in time
make money - do well financially
make up your mind- decide
Phrasal verbs: make up( T*,I) - (i) invent , (ii) become friends again after a quarrel
make up for (T) - repay, compensate for
1. We're recording in this studio so please don't....
2. It's an important lesson so could you.... to be here on time.
3. I was horrible to my brother last night. How am I going to... it?
4. Could you add up those numbers again? We don't want to.... .
5. I hate people who... about the food in restaurants.
6. If you want to be successful and .... , you'd better get to work on time.
7. He can never.. his... about what to wear.

Răspuns :



Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with make.

Completați enunțurile cu forma corectă a unui verb frazeologic sau a unei expresii verbale formate cu ajutorul verbului „to make” - „a face”.


  • make an effort - try
  • make a fuss - complain, show unnecessary excitement
  • make a mistake - do something wrong
  • make a noise - make a meaningless, usually unwanted, sound
  • make do - manage with something even though it may not be exactly what is wanted
  • make it - arrive in time
  • make money - do well financially
  • make up your mind - decide

Phrasal verbs:

  • make up - (1) invent; (2) become friends again after a quarrel
  • make up for - repay, compensate for



1. We're recording in this studio so please don't make a noise.

Facem înregistrări în acest studio, așa că vă rog să nu scoateți niciun sunet.

2. It's an important lesson so could you make an effort to be here on time?

Este o lecție importantă, așa că ai putea face un efort să fii prezent la timp?

3. I was horrible to my brother last night. How am I going to make up for it?

M-am purtat groaznic cu fratele meu noaptea trecută. Cum am să-mi repar greșeala?

4. Could you add up those numbers again? We don't want to make a mistake.

Ai putea să calculezi din nou acele numere? Nu dorim să facem o greșeală.

5. I hate people who make a fuss about the food in restaurants.

Îmi displac oamenii care fac tam-tam în privința mâncării din restaurante.

6. If you want to be successful and make money, you'd better get to work on time.

Dacă vrei să ai succes și să faci bani, ai face mai bine să ajungi la serviciu la timp.

7. He can never make up his mind about what to wear.

Niciodată nu se poate decide în legătură cu ceea ce vrea să poarte.