
Traduceti din Romana in Engleza
- Buna Andi !
- Buna Marcel !
- Andi Vrei sa mergem in seara aceasta la un bowling in oras ?
- Pai mai bine mergem la un bowling .
- Nu , as prefera sa mergem la un meci de fotbal pe stadion ?
- Mai bine mergem la cinema sa vedem un film 3D .
- Dar de ce nu vrei sa mergem la unu meci de fotbal ? Este cald , frumos !
- Chiar ai uitat ca am piciorul ranit?
- Aaaa , scuza-ma .
- Hai sa vorbim cu Stefan poate ne propune el ceva .
- Bine , il sun eu.
- OK .
- Alo , Stefan ?
- Alo , Marcel tu esti ?
- Da eu sunt . Tu esti liber in seara aceasta ?
- Da sunt liber , dar de ce ?
- Vroiam sa mergem prin oras in seara aceasta .
- Vrei sa mergem la un concert?
- Ar fi o idee buna
- Ne intalnim in oras la ora 10:00 seara
- OK , salut .
- Salut .

Răspuns :

Hello Andy!
Hello Marcel!
Andy, Would you like to go to the citybowling tonight? 
It's better to go to  bowling
No, would you like to go to the footbal match?
It's better to go to the cinema to watch 3D movie
Why do not you want to go to the football match? It's warm, it's a beautiful outside.
Hey you forgot that my leg is injured
O, sorry
We can talk to Stefan, maybe he will suggest us something
Ok I will call him
Ola Stefan?
Ola, Marcel, are you here?
Yes I am. Are you free tonight?
Yes I am. Why?
I would like to go in town tonight
Would you like to go to the concert?
It' s a great idea
See you at  10 p.m 
ok, bye