Some verbs are used with different particles and prepositions: Unele verbe sunt folosite cu prepozitii si particule diferite.
I waited for the bus for half an hour yesterday: Am asteptat autobuzul jumate de ora ieri.
I asked for a black coffee, not a white* one: Am cerut o cafea neagra, nu una alba.
Where do i pay* for our meal? : Unde platesc pentru masa noastra?
I hope you can come to my party: Sper ca poti veni la petrecerea mea.
This book belongs to sarah smith: Aceasta carte apartine Sarei Smith
What are you thinking about? : La ce te gandesti?
Helena thanked her mother for the present: Helena i-a multumit mamei sale pentru cadou.
Jame apologises* for being late: Jame si-a cerut scuze pentru intarziere.