
Ajutaţi-mă vă rog cu o compunere în engleză"My hobby" de 7-8 rînduri,(hobby-ul meu este a asculta muzicp ,şi de a privi filme)

Răspuns :

My hobby is photography. I always liked to look at pictures in books and magazines, and I was always surprised how you can broil artistic picture taken deep, can make you laugh or cry, can make contact with forgotten memories about things that were happened in the past. So I started and I Photo: First to fix forever in a picture, things that happen to me or who are witness events that I would like to remember them in the future. Then I realized that through my photographs can convey moods of others and my soul - and so the picture became, for me, a means of communication, a static visual language that expresses in one picture a thousand words. In time, I learned that it does not matter so much quality appliance skill counts as one who makes pictures - and so I tried to find out as much about photography exposure, focus and finding the right angle, about composition frame capture rate setting angle lens, using the flash, so you can use the maximum possibilities of the camera. In a way, get ready for one day you can use a more efficient camera with more options for composition and setting - a very powerful camera shots exception does not guarantee if you do not know about photography. Until now, many things I've learned from books in the field, instructions and demonstration videos on the internet or in discussions with other photographers, amateur or professional - but I think the most important thing is that those who want to try this hobby make as many pictures, from as many angles to practice and carry your camera with them wherever they travel. We can not know what excellent opportunities to photograph may be missed having your camera handy.