
Traduceti in engleza:
Activitati si anotimpuri
Mie imi plac toate anotimpurile.
Primavara eu merg cu familia mea la padure sa adunam:ghiocei,brebenei,urzici si lte plante.
Varaeu si familia mea mergem la munte,la padure,la pescuit,la bunici.
Toamna adunam cu totii frunzele cazute,facem compoturi,gemuri si altele.
Iarna ne jucam cu zapada alba.
Este minunat!

Răspuns :

Activities and seasons
I like all seasons. 
In spring I go with my family to the forest to gather: snowdrops,Corydalis, nettles and other plants.
In Summer me and my family go to the mountain, forest, fishing and
to grandparents.
In Autumn we gather all the fallen leaves, do compotes, jams and more.
In Winter we play with white snow.
It's great!
Activites and season
I like all seasons
In spring I go with my family to the forest to gather : snowdrops , brebenei , nettles and other plants.
In the summer I and my family we go to the montain , to forest, to the fishing and to the grandparents .
In the autumn to gather all fallen leaf , make compotes , jams and another.
In the winter we are playing with the white snow .
It's awsome !