
Traduceti in romana.
The passive:present and past simple.
a)Look at the sentences below.Which are active and which are passive?
b)Make rules by choosing the correct alternative.
We use the passive:
1)When we are interested in/not interested in who or what causes something to happen.
2)for formal/informal notices and announcements.

Răspuns :

Diateza pasiva : prezent si trecut simplu
Analizati propozitiile de mai jos. Care sunt la diateza activa si care sunt la diateza pasiva?
b) Intocmiti reguli alegand varianta corecta.
Noi folosim diateza pasiva:
1. Cand suntem/nu suntem interesati in cine sau ce determina sa se intample ceva.
2. In cazul informatiilor/anunturilor oficiale/neoficiale.