
Cine imi poate traduce textul acesta:
We rushed in, finding our way in the torchlight. It took only a few minutes to cut through the undergrowth which covered the chest and carry the chest outside . I can't describe my feelings as we opened it and saw what was inside . I think i felt like Hiram Bingham , the American archaeologist who in 1911 had identified Uiticos as the last Inca capital . I was totally speechless!
Varooggg mult, Mersi.

Răspuns :

Am napustit in, gasindu-ne calea in lumina de la lanterna.A durat doar cateva minute sa taiem prin plantele care acopereau cutia si am carat cutia afara.Nu pot sa descriu sentimentele cand am deschis cutia si am vazut ce era in inauntru.Cred ca m-am simtit ca Hiram Bingham , arheogul american care in 1911 a identificat Uiticos ca ultima capitala al imperiului Inca.Am ramas fara cuvinte.