
Puneti-mi si mie acest textuet in Engleza va rog!!
Eu,de dimineata cea din tai activitate pe care o fac mereu este cea de a ma spala pe fata a ma spala pe dinti si apoi a ma schiba de pijamale.Mananc imi invat pentru scola si apoi ma duc la scoala!Dupa ce vin de la scoala,ma schimb de hainele bune si ma schimb in unele pe care le port acasa mananc si apoi scriu,ca ziua urmatoare sa o pot lua de la capat :) !

Răspuns :

The first thing in the morning I wash my face and brush my teeth and I change my pyjamas. Afterwards, I have breakfast and start learning the lessons for that day and then I go to school. After I return home from school, I change my school outfit and put on some comfortable clothes. I wash my hands, have my lunch and start doing my homework. In the next day I start again the same activities.