
Am nevoie de un eseu!
Imagine you are rich and want to help physically and intellectually handicapped people.

Răspuns :

Orice om are cate un defect dar unii au handicapuri. Mai mereu intalnesti cate un om cu hanidicap.
Eu imi doresc foarte tare sa ajut oamenii cu probleme. Noi putem dona o suma de bani ca sa ii ajutam. Daca donam bani putem salva mii de vieti.
Daca strangem banii de care au nevoie ei se pot opera si pot traii cu sufletul impacat pentru ca sau facut bine.
Unii oameni nu pot merge, nu pot vedea, nu se pot controla, alti pot avea tumoare la cap.......
Haideti sa facem o fundatie numita "AJUTATI OAMENII BOLNAVI" va rog!!!

Everyone has one defect but some handicaps. Always meet one man hanidicap.I I really want to help people with problems. We can donate some money to help them. If you donate money we can save thousands of lives.If you raise the money they need they can work and live at peace for the soul and did well.Some people can not walk, can not see, can not control themselves, others may have tumor in the head .......Let's do a foundation called "help sick people" please !!!