
De tradus urmatorul text.

1. Resultative perfect- the result of a past event is still felt at the present time. Usually, the verb is not accompanied by an adverb of time.
Jazz has had an enormous influence on American music. (the influence is still felt today ).
2.Recent perfect- the event is completed in the near past, close to the present moment. This is shown by adverbs of recent time: just, not yet, lately, recently, in recent year etc.
I’ve just been to a jazz concert. Several jazz bands have visited my town recently.
3.Continuative perfect – the event extends over a period of time lasting up to the present moment. This is shown by for + period of time or since + starting point in time.

Jazz has been especially in the U.S. since the 1950s. It has been popular for the half century.

4. The perfect of experience – an event has happened once or more than once within the speaker’s experience. This is shown by never, before, always, it’s the first/second/third time etc.

American composers have always drawn on traditional influences and popular culture.

5. In temporal clauses- the event in the temporal clause is completed before the present/future event in the main clause begins. This is shown by: as soon as, not until, when , after etc.

The recital will begin as soon as the audience have taken their seats.
People won’t stop talking until the recital has begun.

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Răspuns :

Traducerea se refera la utilizarea timpului PRESENT PERFECT. Sunt 5 situatii cand se foloseste acest timp:

NOTA: nu am tradus exemplificarile pentru ca explicatiile si-ar fi pierdut sensul.

1.       Perfectul prezent rezultativ – rezultatul unui eveniment din trecut este resimtit si in prezent. De obicei verbul nu e insotit de un adverb de timp.
Jazz has had an enormous influence on American music. [The influence is still felt today].

Perfectul prezent recent – evenimentul s-a incheiat in trecutul apropiat, aproape de momentul prezentul. Incheierea recenta a evenimentul e exprimata cu ajutorul unor adverbe de timp: just, not yet, lately, recently, in recent year etc.
I’ve just been to a jazz concert. Several jazz bands have visited my town recently.

3.       Perfectul prezent de continuare – evenimentul se intinde pe o perioada de timp ce dureaza pana in momentul present. Acesta este exprimat cu ajutorul lui FOR – ce exprima durata si cu ajutorul lui SINCE ce exprima momentul de incepere.
Jazz has been especially in the U.S. since the 1950s. It has been popular for the half century.

Perfectul prezent rezultat al experientei – un eveniment care s-a intamplat o data, sau mai mult de o data in experienta vorbitorului. Acesta e exprimat cu ajutorul unor adverbe ca: never, before, always, it’s the first/second/third time etc.

American composers have always drawn on traditional influences and popular culture.

 5.       Perfect prezent utilizat in subordonate temporale – evenimentul din subordonata temporala s-a incheiat inaintea ca evenimentul prezent/viitor din regenta sa inceapa. E exprimat cu ajutorul: as soon as, not until, when, after, etc.
The recital will begin as soon as the audience have taken their seats. People won’t stop talking until the recital has begun.