
Va roggg descrieti un film in 10 randuri in engleza va roog

Răspuns :

Divergent by Veronica Roth :                                                                                                  In Chicago,the society is divided in 5 factions.When all teenagers turn 16 they have to choose to either stay in the faction of birth ,or to go at another faction .Beatrice Prior must make a decision to stay with her family in a faction that she doesn*t think she belongs or to live her family and to go into another faction .What follows is a highly competive initian ,where Beatrice goes to the faction of Dautless she renamed herself Tris .She must make some tough decision ,but she must also keep a secret that  she warnned could mean death.After some time Tris learns she*s divergent .When she discovers that the people from erudite and  dautless made a deal to kill all the divergents from the world .She tries to help Abnegation,her faction of birth but her parents end dead .So she is more ditermintde to  save Abnegation but in the end Tris end dead saving the world and his last persone from her family ,her brother from the faction of Erudite ,she also leaves her boyfriend Four distroyed  .                                             Sper ca t-am ajutat!