
Scrie in engleza propozitiile:
1. Prietenii nostri au multe intrebari despre aceste lucruri ciudate.
2. Orasul acela are multe strazi aglomerate si prafuite.
3. Unchiul lui Tom are un camion mare dar el nu poate conduce camioane.
4. Ce crezi despre aceste lucruri?Sunt adevarate sau nu?
5. Spune-mi adevarul!Acesta este un curcan sau o gasca?
6. El nu poate arunca mingea.Are o problema la mana.

Răspuns :

Our friends have many questions about these strange things.
That city has several busy and dusty streets.
Tom's uncle has a big truck but he cannot drive trucks.
What do you think about these things? Are true or not?
Tell me the truth! This is a turkey or goose?
He can not throw the ball. He has a problem with his hand.