
1.Lacul a secat ; a fost foarte cald vara aceasta .
2. Toata ziua a stat in aer liber si acum se odihneste.
3.Ai cumparat vre-o carte buna in ultima vreme ?
4.Ati locuit toata viata in aceasta casa veche ?
5. Nu l-am vazut de cand era copil.
6.Invatam engleza de sase ani .
7.De trei zile ninge mult , deci am stat in casa. 

Trebuie sa le traduc in engleza ! 

Răspuns :

1. Lake was dried up; It was very hot this summer.
2. all day stayed outdoors and now is resting.
3. you bought a good book lately?
4. have you ever lived my whole life in this old House?
5. I have not seen since he was a child.
6. Learn English for six years.
7. three days it's snowing a lot, so I stayed in the House.