
1. Definiti:
a)past tense simple
b)past tense continuous
c) present perfect simple
a) Complete the dialogue with the past simple or present perfect tense of the verbs
Ben: What's the matter , Jenny?
Jenny: I've lost my passport (lose)
Ben:When....you.....it?(last use)
Jenny: When I....to france last summer.(go)
Ben: Maybe Mum.......it (see)
Mum, .....Jenny' passport ?(you/see)
Jenny: It......in my rucksack
Completati spatile punctate

b) What does ''s' '' stand for in the sentences ''is'' or ''has
1.It's hot=
2. It's arrived=
3. She's lost her bag=
4. He's looking for his diary=
5. She's sixteen today=
6. It's a great film=

Urgent ! PLS

Răspuns :

1) a. a tense expressing an action that has happened or a state that previously existed
expresses action at a particular moment in the past. The action started before that moment but has not finished at that moment.
expresses action or state completed at the time of speaking

2) a. did you last use; went; has seen; have you seen; was
b. is;has;has;is;is;is
1.a)Past tense simple
-Se foloseste pentru exprimarea unor actiuni trecute 
Acestea au fost incepute si terminate in trecut
Ex.:Eu mi-am scris tema ieri
Wrot my homework yesterday
- Pt. exprimarea unor actiuni trecute care au avut loc  intr-un moment anume
Ex: Noi am ajuns la scoala la ora 8
We rived school o' clock eight
-Pt. naratiuni
Ex.:Ea s-a uittat la televizor si a luat cina
-Pt. biografia oamenilor care nu mai sunt in viata
Afirmativ se formeaza:
S+vb +ed
         +A2a  forma (vb neregulate)
Interogativ se formeaza: 
Did+S+vb(la infinitiv) ?
Negativ se formeaza:
S+didn't+vb(la infinitiv).

Uite niste adverbe de timp o sa te ajute mai tarziu
week=saptamana trecuta
ex:Year ago = acum un an

Reguli de scriere
1. Daca un verb regulat se termina in ''e'' se adauga doar ''d''
2. Daca un vb se termina in v+y adaugam ed
3. Daca un vb se termina in c+y si adugam ''ed'' rezulta ''ied''

b)Past tense continous 
-Se foloseste pentru exprimarea unei actiuni aflata in curs de desfasurare intr-un anumit moment din trecut, nu se precizeaza cand incepe si cand se termina 
Ex: Eu conduceam ieri la ora 17:00
 I was driving around yesterday o,clock five(cred ca este bine)
-Pt. actiuni simultane 
ex.:Eu imi scriam tema in tmp ce el asculta muzica
I was writing my homework while he was listening musik
-Pt. actiuni trecute aflate in desfasurare intrerupte de o alta actiune
!!!!!!!Actiunea care intrerupe se construieste cu past tense simple
ex.:Eu gateam caand el a venit
I was cooking when became(past simple)
Afirmativ se formeaza: 
Interogativul se formeaza:
Negativ se formeaza:

c)Present perfect simple
-Se foloseste pentru actiunile terminate recent
ex.:Tocmai mi-am scris tema
I have just finished my homework
-Pt. actiuni trecute fara adverb de timp
ex.:A plouat!
It has rained!
-Pt . actiuni care arata experienta personala , insotite de adverbele 
ex.: Eu nu am mancat niciodata mancare chinezeasca
I have never eaten Chinese food 
-Pt. actiuni care au avut loc intr-o perioada de timp neterminata
-Pt. actiuni insotite de adverbele 
for(pentru a arata durata actiuni)
since(pt. a arata momentul in care a inceput actiunea)
-Pt. actiuni insotite de adverb
bately= in ultimul timp 
Yed=inca, deja (negativ, interogativ)
Afirmativ se formeaza: 
S+vb+have/has+vb +ed sau a3a forma 
Interogativ se formeaza:
Have/has+S+vb+ed sau a3a forma
Negativ se formeaza :
S+haven't / hasn't +vb +ed sau a3a forma 

Aceste forme pe care ti-am zis sunt :
forma a2a , trebuia sa va dea doamna o lista cu ele 
acestea sunt past simple
past simple=became
acesta este dor un exemplu
forma a3a ,
trebuia sa va dea doamna o lista cu ele 
past simple=became
past participle(a3a forma)=become
acesta este doar un exemplu

2. Rezolvati:
Ben: What's the matter , Jenny?
Jenny: I've lost my passport 
Ben:When did you last use it?
Jenny: When I went to  to france last summer.
Ben: Maybe Mum has seen it 
Mum, have you seen Jenny' passport ?
Jenny: It was my rucksack 
b) 1.It's hot=is

2. It's arrived=has
3. She's lost her bag=has
4. He's looking for his diary=is
5. She's sixteen today=is
6. It's a great film=is

Sper ca te-am ajutat !!!
Succes!!! :)