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Ce dihanie ciudata,
Cu gat lung si gura mare,
A-nghitit asa deodata,
Tot ce-i pulbere-n covoare?
Avem o cutie-n care
Punem rufele murdare.
Doar butonul invartesti,
Peste o ora le gasesti
Curate si parfumate,
Ba chear aproape uscate!
(Masina de spalat)
La porunca mamei mele
Se aprind la el trei stele
Apoi cat ai zice peste
Fierbe,coace si prajeste
Tortul ,untul,fripturica
Le-a varat in el mamica,
Pare un dulap vopsit
Inauntru-i ger cumplit.
Michiduta, mititel
Se ia lumea dupa el.
Am un cantaret in casa,
Sta pe scaun, sta pe masa,
Canta, canta glasu-si schimba
Si graieste-n orice limba.
Cântă, îţi arată filme,

Desenează, socoteşte,

Scrie, are multe mape,

Dacă vrei îţi şi vorbeşte.


Răspuns :

What a weird monster
with long neck and big mouth
he swallowed all of the sudden
all what`s dust in the carpet.
(The vacuum cleaner)

We have a box,
where we put dirty clothes in,
Just the button you have to twist
and in an hour you`ll find them
clean and perfumed.
Or even almost dry!
(the washing mashine)

At my mother`s order
three stars are lightening up on him
and then before you could say Jack Robinson,
boiles,bakes and fryes.
(The stove)

Cake,butter and the steak,
Were thrown by mom in it,
it seems like a painted closet,
But inside it  surely freeze.
(the refrigirator)

and people still fallow him.
(the clock)

I have a singer in my home
sitting on chair or table
sings-sings,and can change voices
and talks in any language.
(The radio)

He sings,and shows you movies
draws, and counts
writes,has many folders
and he talks to you
if you ask him to.
(the computer)