
o compunere in engleza despre primavara va rog?:** va multumeesc

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Through the wide-open, the sweet smell of spring enters the room. Still, the rays of the morning sun playful were mirrored in the window cleaner as a tear. Also attending are expected to wake up, and when they awake, they smiled and caressed my face asleep. I instinctively smiled at the thought that spring was greeted with so much kindness and I imagined that this spring I congratulate me and instills optimism for this new beginning of year. even if the year began a couple of months, symbolically, the new year only now begins, with the first sunny days of March. Confused gaze I e attracted by a move away from the window. As a confirmation of my thoughts, a slow vânticel perdeau camera discreetly pushed, whispering as if to me I trust the charm and the season of love spell.
Spring is that season that brings sun in our lifes . No metter how longer winter is spring  is follow. In this season the weather is changing , the sun is beginning to shine and we could hang out more . The flower show's their beauty the bird are singing and everytinhg looks new and happy . I think spring is the season when  nature reborn . I love spring because i can smell the parfeume of the flowers i can run in the park and I can admire how everything it's getting green . Who doesn't love spring afer a long winter spring is like a candy for me . People smile's more I thing in this season cause they actually are happier . You feel the warm of the sun and even when it's raining it's prettier cause it's a sweet and warm rain the drops are small and they touch the ground grently. Spring it's my favorite season af all because everything looks like a faity tail .