
traduceti In romana

Good evening ,ladies and gentlemen.Here is tomorrow's weather forecast.Perhaps the weather tomorrow will be fine,with a clear sky and long periods of bright sunshine.But perhaps it will be cold ,but if the temperature is high,it will be hot.If it's not chilly ,it will be a lovely sunny day.
This is the end of the weather forecast.

Răspuns :

Buna seara doamnelor si domnilor .Aceasta este prognoza meteo de maine.Vremea de maine va fi inregula,cu nori vizibili si perioade lungi de stralucire a soarelui.Dar probabil va fi frig,dar daca temperatura este mare va fi foarte cald.Nu va fi fierbinte,va fi o zi senina iubitoare.Acesta este sfarsitul prognozei meteo.