
URGENT Va rog sa imi traduceti in engleza (puteti refolmura propozitiile pentru a fi mai usor) VA MULTUMESC

Draga Ioana,Incep si aceasta scrisoare prin a-ti spune ca mi-e dor de tine si imi pare rau ca nu ai putut venii si tu aici in Tahiti. Am năutăți pe care ma grabesc sa ti le comunic.
Stiu ca ai avut emotii pentru mine, ca nu stiai daca ma voi descurca cu limba, asa ca esti prima careia ii impartasesc bucuria de a ma afla in aceasta minunata vacanta.
De mult doream sa ajung pe insula Tahiti fiind cea mai mare insula din Polinezia Franceza. Cu aceasta ocazie vreau sa-ti multumesc pentru orele de franceza pe care mi le-ai dat, aici limba oficiala fiind franceza, m-am descurcat destul de bine cu limba.
Imi place insula, ma fascineaza marea fie ca e linistita, fie ca e agitata. Cel mai mult ma impresionat apa limpede a marii si culoarea acesteia. Am vazut pentru prima data palmerii care au inaltimea de 8 m si formau un decor minunat.
Iti doresc si tie sa ai o vacanta asa cum ti-o doresti. Iti povestesc despre toate acestea si cate vor mai fi cand ne vom intalnii acasa.
Te imbratisez cu bucurie

Răspuns :

Dear Ioana
, I begin this letter and to tell you that I miss you and I'm sorry you could not come and you here in Tahiti. I Nautica which I dare you communicate.I know you had feelings for me, did not know if I'll do with language, so you're the first to share joy for me to be in this wonderful holiday.The more I wanted to get on the island of Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia. On this occasion I want to thank you for French classes that you gave me, here is the official language French, I did pretty good with language.I love the island, the sea fascinates me is that it is quiet whether it's hectic. I was most impressed by the clear water of the sea and color. I first saw palmerii who formed height of 8 m and a wonderful decoration.Do you want to have a holiday to you as you desire. You talk about all these and many will be when we encounter at home.I embrace with joy
Dear Ioana, I'm starting this letter to tell you that I miss you, and I'm sorry that you couldn't come with me here, in Tahiti. I have news that I cannot wait to communicate you. I know you were nervous about me, because you didn't know whether I'll be ok with the language, so you're the first one who I'm telling the joyless of being in this wonderful vacation. From a long time I wished to reach the island Tahiti, the biggest island from the French Polinezia. With this opportunity, I want to thank you for the French classes you gave me. Here the official language is French, so I did fine with that. I love the island, the water is fascinating me whether is quiet, whether is rough. I loved the most the clear water, and the color of the sea. Also, I've seen palm trees for the first time. They had 8 m tall, and they were making a beautiful landscape. I wish you a vacantion exactly as you want. I'll tell you every happening that will occur when I'll be back at home. Best wishes. Ok, s-ar putea sa if facut ceva greșeli, dar asta e varianta mea de răspuns. Sper sa te ajute!