
Eu am acasa multe pasari: 10 porumbite, 7 porumbei, 2 papagali si o bufnita in pod.
In curtea mea se afla 12 gaini, un cocos, 2 rate su un ratoi si un gascan, 2 curci si un curcan.
La Craciun se manca carne de porc si purcel de lapte, iar la Paste se manca miel.
In padure imi place sa ascult cantecul ciocarliei si al privighetoarei.
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I have home a lot of birds:10 doves,7 pigeons,2 parrots and a owl in the attic.In my garden I have 12 chickens,a rooster,2 ducks and a goose,2 turkeys and a turkey male .At the christmas we eat porkchop and a little pig,and when easter comes we eat lamb.I like to listen the lark and the nightingales songs in the forest.