
Hei,imi traduceti si mie va rog acest text in limba engleza?fara a folosi google translate:"De mic copil mi-am dorit sa cunosc apele.Si singurul mod de a o face a fost sa devin marinar.Acesta a fost telul meu.Am muncit mult pentru a intra la o scoala pentru marinari.De mic am invatat intens pana in momentul intrarii la scoala marinarilor. Pentru asta am invatat,si din multi elevi eu am fost ales.Avenit momentul ca eu sa arat ce pot alaturi de colegii mei cu care am devanit prieteni.Desi la inceput toti am fost panicati,am reusit sa il facem amndru pe capitan,aducand in siguranta barca inapoi in port.Asadar asta a fost prima mea aventura pe mare. "

Răspuns :

From an early childhood I wanted to know the seas. The only way I could make this possible was to become a sailor. This was my dream. I worked hard to enter in a navy school. I've learned intensively till the moment I managed to enter this school. This was what I've been learning for and from many children I was the chosen one. Then the moment came when I could show what I can do on the side of my comrades I became friends with. In spite that we were freaked out at first,we managed to make our captain proud by bringing the ship back in port in safety. So,this was my first adventure on sea.