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Not wanting to admit to problems, nobody came.That's why she now calls the course Skills for adolescence.During the classes,she gets parents to share their own solutions to individual problems,but she also gives advice.Most parents mention problems like untidy bedrooms and late homecomings.Mrs Ashby urges them to try to reach a compromise.Agree on quite an early homecoming time during the week,but a later one at the weekend.The student parents like the course .I came because being a parent is a learning process and a discussion-based class is very useful,one mother said .One father said he only had one complaint :When I get home my children as me;And what did you learn at school today ,Dad?

Răspuns :

Nevrand sa admita problemele, nu a venit ninmeni. De aceea, acum isi numeste cursul 'Abilitati pentru adolescenta'. Pe durata cursurilor, ea ii face pe parinti sa isi impartaseasca propriile solutii la probleme individuale, dar, de asemenea, da si sfaturi. Majoritatea parintilor mentioneaza probleme precum camere dezordonate si venitul tarziu acasa. Doamna Ashby ii indeamna sa incerce sa ajunga la un compromis. Sa fie de acord cu venitul acasa devreme in timpul saptamanii, dar mai tarziu in weekend. Parintilor elevi le place cursul. 'Am venit pentru ca sa fii parinte este un proces de invatare si un curs bazat pe aceasta discutie este foarte folositor', spune o mama. Un tata spune ca are o singura plangere: Cand ajung acasa, copilul meu ma intreaba 'Si ai invatat azi la scoala, tata?'
Sper ca te-am ajutat.