
Rog urgent .. traducerea  la acest mic text , numai va rog fara  sa folositi ''translate'' !
Oameni se cearta din cauza frumusetii , adica  care e mai frumos , dar daca ar realiza ca toti oamenii sunt frumosi  in felul lor va fi  pace  in lume , si astfel  nu vor fi nici certuri si nici alte chestii ce pot duce la dusmanie intre oameni .  Frumusetea deplina poate salva lumea prin oameni frumosi .

Răspuns :

People are arguing because of the beauty,which is more beautiful,but if they would realize that all the people are beautiful in their way,it would be peace in the world..and so there wont be fight and other things which may lead to enmity between people.The full beauty can save the world through beautiful people.Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)