
Traduceti va rog in romana ?
He poured some of the milk into his cup,but most of it made a puddle on the table. I wait and wait,said the Pelican.Nobody ever calls me. Will you have a cokies ? asked the Crane.Yes,than you,said the Pelican.He took a large pile of cookies and stuffed them into his mouth. I hope you will invite me again, said the Pelican.Perhaps,said the Crane,but I am very busy these days. Good-bye until next time,said the Pelican.He swallowed many more cokies.He wiped his mouth with the tablecloth and left.The Carane shook his head,sighed and called for his maid to clean up the mess.

Răspuns :

El a turnat o parte din lapte în paharul lui, dar cea mai mare parte a făcut o baltă pe masă.Astept si astept,a spus Pelicanul.Nimeni nu ma va chema niciodata.Vrei o prajitura?intreaba Crane.Da,multumesc,a spus Pelicanul.El a luat o gramada mare de prajituri si le-a indesat in gura.Sper ca ma vei invita din nou,a spus Pelicanul.Poate,a spus Crane,dar sunt foarte  ocupat zilele astea.La revedere pana data viitoare,a spus Pelicanul.El a inghitit mai multe prajituri.El si-a sters gura cu fata de masa si a plecat.Crane a clatinat din cap,a oftat si i-a cerut menajerei sale sa stranga mizeria.
el a turnat unele laptelui in cupa lui,dar cele mai multe din ea a facut o balta pe masa.Am asteptat si am asteptat, a spus pelican.Nobody vreodata ma chema. va avea un cokies?a intrebat Crane.Yes than a spus Pelican.He a luat o gramada mare de torturi si le umple in gura lui.Sper ca va invita din nou,a spus Pelican.Perhaps said macara dar eu sunt foarte ocupat in aceste zile.La revedere pana data viitoare a spus pelican.He inghiti torturi mai multe.

Sper ca tia fot de folos!!!!