
Vă rog ajutați-mă!
Am nevoie de o scrisoare in engleza de aproximativ 10 randuri in care sa ne invitam o prietena la un concert.Multumesc mult! ☺

Răspuns :

Hello dear friend,
I am writing to invite you to this awesome concert that will have place next weekend in my hometown. Our whole class is going and I thought it will be nice if you'd hang out with us. Mostly there will be pop music but there will also be rock bands so you won't get bored. The ticket for the concert is aproximately 20 lei. I know it's a lot of money but good bands will play so it is worth it ! I hope I'll see you there.
                                        for Maria                                                      date
Dear friends invite you to a very nice concert I hope you

                                                  ionela welcome