
Am nevoie de propozitii cu frazele : to bring home to , to be provided for , to be a burden to somebody, to be/not to be suited for , to wash one's hands of, to settle down , to be hopeless, to chuck someone, to be a sore trial to , 

Răspuns :

1.I was happy to bring him home.(am fost fericita sa-l aduc acasa)
2.I was provided to receive help(am fostasigurata ca voi primi ajutor)
3.I hate being a burden to somebody(urasc sa fiu o povara pentru cineva)
4.I am suited for this job!(sunt potricita pentru acest job!)
5.I liked washing his hands pf dirt(mi-a placut sa-i spal mainile cu mizerie)
6.I don't like being hopeless(nu-mi place sa fiu deznadajduita)
7.I chucked the paper(nustiu sigur dar cred ca chuck=a arunca. Am aruncat hartia)
8.I went through a sore trial.(am mers printr-un traseu imflamat) Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)