
mergeam pe strada cand am vazut un tanar in fata mea. se uita la o floare. era atat de concentrat/atent/absorbat in ce facea incat nici nu m-a observat. era ceva ciudat la el,judecand in felul cum isi misca capul pana la hainele pe care le purta. in timp ce el colecta/lua cateva seminte, i-am facut o poza. era clar ca nu s-a asteptat la asta. in timp ce se uita la mie, am inteles ca este un extraterestru. eram putin socat. nu m-a putut misca sau sa fi strigat dupa ajutor. stateam pe alee/carare, uitandu-ma la el in timp ce ajungea la mine. dupa am observat fata lui prietenoasa si zambetul lui incurajator   Continua textul de mai sus in engleza (5-6 randuri)                                                                                                                    

Răspuns :

He was not so bad as i thaught,he was looking at me and my face figure because i was very scareed and when he comed closer to me i ran down the alley to my best friend house.I was knoking on the door but nobody was answering because Ben and his family was on countryside.
When I realized that i saw Bens bike,so i tooked it and start running  but he was very fast and the face who was so friendly now looked so angered then he just stoped and i was stoped too because i really wish to not be affraid of him and then he was gone but my camera too.I took Bens bike back to his home and when i get to my place i send him an emial about what happend.