
Cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu traducerea acestei compuneri in engleza, dar nu pe google sau alte siteuri ca nu traduce atat de corect..
Ultima data cand am fost la plaja a fost acum 3 ani.
Am mers impreuna cu familia si am stat o luna, cazati la niste rude.
Apa era mereu atat de curata si foarte albastra, minunata pentru a inota si pentru a cauta scoici, iar atunci cand soarele se oglindea in ea, aveam parte de un joc de lumini uimitor.
Am privit rasaritul ,ne-am jucat volei, ne-am dat cu schi-jet-ul, ne-am facut multi prieteni , am facut castele din nisip si am stat la soare.
Cand venea vremea sa ne intoarcem la camera, nu eram deloc suparati, deoarece eram deja obositi si stiam ca ziua urmatoare ne intoarcem iar.
Ne-am facut multe poze pe care le vom avea amintire foarte mult timp.
A fost o excursie la plaja de neuitat.
Va multumesc mult!!! :*

Răspuns :

The last time I was at the beach was 3 years ago.I went along with the family and we stayed a month, staying at some relatives.The water was always so clean and very lovely blue, to swim and to search for clams, and when the Sun is oglindea in it, I was part of an amazing lights.I watched the Sunrise, we played volleyball, we have given with jet-skiing, and we made a lot of friends, I did the sand castles and I sat in the Sun.When it came time to go back to the room, I wasn't mad at all because I was already tired and I knew that the next day we come back again.We made many pictures that you'll have very long memories.It was an unforgettable trip to the beach.