
Salut as dori si eu sa imi traduceti acesta compunere in engleza, stau prost cu engleza si maine am de dus o compunere in limba engleza despre Vacanta mea de iarna acesta consta in media mea la engleza care o am foarte mica mai jos este compunerea.

Vacanta s-a terminat, in acesta vacanta mi-am petrecut timpul cu familia mea dar si cu prieteni mei.

In primele zile de vacanta am dormit foarte mult si m-am jucat la calculator. Apoi de craciun mi-am petrecut timpul cu familia mea la masa si desfacand cadourile, cadoul meu craciunul acesta a fost o jeaca si niste ghete de iarna foarte frumoase. 

Iar de revilion adica la 12 noaptea mi l-am pietrecut cu prieteni afara lansand artifici pe cer apoi am stat cu familia mea la masa mancand peste si desfacand sampania pentru un an mai bun.

Răspuns :

Holiday is over, in this holiday I spent time with my family and also with my friends . In the early days of vacation I slept a lot and played on the computer. Then I spent Christmas with my family having long meals and unwrapping gifts. This year I got for Christmas a jacket and some really beautiful winter boots .
On New Year's Eve at midnight I was outside with my friends launching fireworks. After that I had dinner with my family, we ate fish and popped a champagne for a better year .